Earlier this year, President-Elect Colleen Coons had the opportunity to travel to Hermosillo Mexico with several others from District 5495 and at least one Rotarian from District 5500. The purpose of her trip was to learn more about the Microcredit Project Mesa West Rotary is involved in in that community, While there, she became acquainted with Teresa Ruiz Mendoza, of the Club Rotario, Hermosillo, Milenio. Through that acquaintance, she learned about a project the Hermosillo club was seeking help from Arizona Rotarians to make happen in the relative near future. Teresa was willing to provide a traditional Mexican meal for those who would take time to hear about the project, but needed a place to do so. Colleen offered their home and the event took place Saturday April 1. Teresa brought her brother and her cousin to help get the meal put together. They are shown with her (in l-r order) and Colleen and Dan Coons in the photo on the left. In the photo on the right, Teresa is shown with Craig Henry of Mesa Rotary Club and his wife.
The project Teresa was so passionate about is a project to build a school for children of the indigenous tribe of the Triqui in Miguel "Aleman, Sonora, Mexico. Until relatively recently, 650 children were "unfaced" meaning their births had never been recorded and they did not exist and no government resources were available to be provided for their education. With the help of Teresa and the Hermosillo club, the children today do have birth certificates, and the Mexican government is providing some building materials.
A school building had been started, but was without a roof, doors, windows and flooring. Consequently, the materials to finish the building were at risk of being stolen. The goal of the dinner was to raise $7,000 to finish the building to the point of making it secure.
Seven district clubs were represented at the dinner. They raised $9,080.52 at the dinner. With club pledges, the total is up to $13,500. The entire balance to finish the school is estimated at $19,000. It appears it will be possible to complete buildout of the school this year and there may be an opportunity for Arizona Rotarians to travel to Mexico to help with final painting, etc.
Donated funds are being handled by the Tempe South Rotary Foundation, and disbursements will be managed through that foundation on receipt of required documentation.