Special guests were present from the Westwood High School Interact Club including Colton Cagle, who was recently elected to serve the Interact District as their District Governor in 2018-19.
Members of the Gilbert High School basketball team again lent their support to the event by doing some of the heavy lifting with setup and tear down. They also served as referees to oversee the fairness of the games. Luin Ross (again) demonstrated her dominance as a first-place winner at this annual competition even though she had a different Rotarian, Greg Okonowski, participating as her partner this year.

3rd place men - Don Boucher
3rd place women - Pam Cohen
3rd place team - Chuck Flint and Pam Cohen
2nd place men - Joe Luma
2nd place women - Aubrey Luma
2nd place team - Joe and Aubrey Luma
1st place men - Greg Okonowski
1st place women - Luin Ross
1st place team - Greg Okonowski and Luin Ross