There are three one-day sessions in Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI). On January 25, Rotarians from Mesa West attended as follows:
- Session I
- John Bunyard
- Marilyn Klingler
- Chad Reid
- Session II
- Andy Bradford
- Session III
- Melodie Jackson
- Debbie Koeneman
- Dick Myren
The three who attended Session III are now RLI graduates.
Also at RLI this past weekend were
- Colleen Coons, who was facilitating for the first time
- Ed Koeneman and Eric Silverberg, who were observing so they could be added to the list of possible facilitators in future sessions
- Polly Cady, who is the RLI Chairperson
- Allan Cady who was not in camera range, but serves as Polly's driver and able assistant.