6:00 to 9:00 pm
Pam Cohen's Home
3650 E Quenton Dr., Lot 8, Mesa, AZ
Just South of Thomas east of Val Vista
Gate code 1492
Sign up to bring your "Kick-@$$ Chili!"
Don't want to bring chili?
Sign up to bring your own
prize winning dish
Guests $10 - Mesa West Rotarians Free!
The competition is fierce and not for the faint of heart! Please sign up to bring a chili to share, another side dish of your choosing, dessert, an appetizer, or just condiments for the chilis. For those who don't have time to cook - we will also need paper/plastic bowls and tableware, napkins and the like - non-alcoholic beverages - so feel free to BYOB or your favorite adult beverage.
This event is a fun way to meet our newest members and help to engage them in our club. There will be short presentations by several Rotarians on various aspects of Rotary and how it relates to the club, its members, our community, and the world.
Don't miss this opportunity to mingle with club members and crown the newest Chili King or Queen! CLICK HERE to RSVP to Pam Cohen.