Mesa West Rotary Club is a member organization of the Mesa Chamber of Commerce.  Our own member, Connie Bunyard is our Chamber Liaison.  She sent this information to share with our members:
I wanted to share with you some upcoming events that you will find beneficial if you go.  If you end up going and would like a buddy feel free to text me at 480-678-9348 and I will find you and introduce you around (I go to most meetings).  I hope to meet you sometime and wish you an Amazing day!!
Check out the photos from some of our events here:  Is there anything I can say or do to make you feel better about getting involved and networking?  As our CEO, Sally Harrison likes to say, “The world belongs to those who show up!”
Women’s Business Connection is on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.  Colleen Biggs is a 22-year Business Strategist who empowers Business Leaders to expand their influence through Peak Performance Habits to attract the right clients and drive more profits.  She has launched over 340 businesses, is a Keynote Speaker, Author to 7 #1 International Best-Sellers with the latest being Step Into the Spotlight to Expand Your Influence, the CEO and founder of the Leap Community, and was awarded the Most Inspirational Leaders in Business and Entrepreneur of the year in 2023. Colleen provides women with a community of entrepreneurs who take the leap daily and realize that their network is their Net Worth.  You can register here:
It’s that time to look for sponsors, marketing collateral and vendor tables for the next Mesa Morning Live TV show!  Let me know if you are interested in participating in the next Mesa Morning Live. 
What?        Mesa Morning Live TV show
Don’t know what it is?  Click here:
When? FridayJuly 12, 2024
Where:  Crescent Crown Distributing – 1640 W. Broadway Rd., Mesa, AZ 85202
Time: 7am-8:30am
Featured Guest:  Mesa Police Department Chief Ken Cost
Theme:  Law & Order
Episode Sponsor: $1,050 (1 per show)
Admission for 2 guests
Logo on all marketing material including video, web, and print
Logo on all YouTube videos (approx. 3-5 guest interviews for that episode)
On stage interview with Emcee /Host showcasing your business
Opportunity to provide any marketing collateral in Attendee bags
Mention by host at the beginning of program
1/4 ad in the program
Full list of attendees including contact information following each program
Logo on front page (
Tabletop at program     
Segment Sponsor: $400 (2 available per show)
            Top 10 – You will read the Top 10 List on camera
            Community Spotlight
Admission for 2 guests
Pre-Show Screen Acknowledgment
Pre-Segment Screen Acknowledgement
Opportunity for “on-air” time at each show (Top 10)
Opportunity to provide any marketing collateral in Attendee bags
Recognition listed in show credits, in program and MML web page
Breakfast Sponsor: $300 (4 per show)
Admission for 1 guest
Breakfast room signage acknowledgement
Pre-show digital signage
Recognition listed in show credits, in printed program and MML web page
Opportunity to provide any marketing collateral in Attendee bags
Host acknowledgement during show
MML Program Advertising
Full Page (4.5” W X 8.5” H) $200/episode
Half Page (4.5” W 3.75” H) $150/episode
Tabletop: $75 (14 per show)
Admission for 1 guest
Marketing Collateral in Attendee Bags: $40 + 100 items to insert 
Individual Ticket:
$20 members in advance/ $30 non-members/Members Walk-In
(125 per show)