Many members have commented on how much they have enjoyed this series.  We have now finished publishing profiles of all the leadership team.  It is time to move on to the general membership.  To keep the profiles somewhat consistent, we have had everyone respond to the same questions.  If you would be willing to let your fellow members know a little more about you, please CLICK HERE to download the list of questions.
You can send your answers to JEANIE MORGAN along with a head and shoulders photo of yourself.  Selfies from smart phones work and can be texted to 928 486 4328.  Please provide your name when texting so she can add you to her contact list.
If she receives multiple profiles, she will publish them in the order received.  If she receives these at the same meeting, she will publish them in the order of time in Rotary - longest to shortest.
This article will reappear in the Messenger anytime there is not a waiting list of profiles to be published.