Carole Kralicek was born on a farm in northern Minnesota in a log cabin and learned to read by a kerosene lamp.  The oldest of two in her French Canadian family, her parents adopted her mother's sister's seven children when Carole
was two. French was their first language. An eighth brother was adopted later.
Her parents first wintered in Aizona when she was eight and Arizona has always felt like home.  Four years ago, she became a permanent resident.
Married 44 years to three men, who are now deceased, she has two children, their spouses and two granddaughters.
Through business and Rotary interests, Carole has visited or worked in 50 countries and traveled to 48 states, having lived in three. Each journey was a vacation.
During high school, Carole decided to become a physician but was told "girls aren't doctors so be a nurse".   While working in a hospital, she learned she enjoyed the business world and has been a business owner continuously since age 17. Her retirement business is appraising antiques and conducting estate sales.
Carole has conducted fifty two Antique Appraisal Show fundraisers for non profits.   All volunteer experiences are rewarding, but it was a surprise when the Lions of Minnesota honored her with their annual Helen Keller Award.