Opening and Welcome - President Jay Paulus
President Jay opened the meeting reminding members that the 2024-25 Rotary International Theme is The Magic of Rotary.  He then recited the Rotary Vision Statement:
TOGETHER, we see a world
where PEOPLE unite and take action
to CREATE lasting CHANGE 
across the globe, in our communities
and in ourselves.
Jay asked if anyone had a Rotary story to share.  When no-one readily volunteered, he shared a personal story.  His 88-year-old mother in Pennsylvania has a bucket-list item to attend the Rose Bowl Parade.  When Jay was in California, he encountered some Rotarians from the Rose Bowl Committee.  He asked how they might help him make his mother's wish come true.  They told him that for a $10,000 donation, she could ride on their float.  Jay said he loves his mother, but that was more than his budget would allow.  He was then told that for $500, she would be an Ambassador, receive a jacket and shirt and be in the grandstands at the parade.  She will be at the Rose Bowl parade this year.
Warren Williamson led the Pledge of Allegiance.  John Pennypacker provided a thought for the day:  "Rivers don’t drink their own water. Trees don’t eat their own fruits. The sun doesn’t give heat just for itself. Flowers don’t spread fragrance for themselves. Living for others is the rule of nature. And therein lies the secret of living."
Introduction of Guests
Jim Schmidt introduced DGN Joe Sweeney from the Rotary Club of Prescott. In addition to serving as the District Governor Nominee, he also is currently serving as an Assistant Governor. 
Jay also acknowledged those who were attending via Zoom:  Pai Bethea, Machel Considine, Lu General, Lola McClane and Jeanie Morgan.
Ace of Clubs Raffle - Chuck Flint
Chuck asked Lizzy Barron to draw the winning ticket.  The ticket she drew was the number Chuck had purchased for himself.
Chuck then asked Lizzy to shuffle the cards and select a card from those remaining in the deck, hoping she might draw the Ace of Clubs on his behalf.  Unfortunately (for Chuck), the card she drew was the Five of Hearts.
Happy Bucks - Sgt at Arms - Ron Thompson
  • John Pennypacker pointed out that there were papers on the table explaining how to sign up for "My Rotary," and offered to help if anyone needs assistance.
  • Ray Smith contributed celebrating his 24th anniversary of joining Rotary.  He was on the phone with Bob Jensen earlier in the day.  This year's hearing mission to Guaymas Mexico will be November 6-9.  We will be renting a bus and travelling to Guaymas.  He invited members to sign up to go on the trip as volunteers.
  • John Pennypacker said he played 18 holes on Tuesday, September 17, and had a very good day.
  • Ed Koeneman contributed celebrating a successful collaboration of Westwood High School Interact and the school's Earth Club in constructing a float on Don LaBarge's trailer, which Don was kind enough to loan to them.  Ed had the pleasure of driving Don's truck, pulling the float in the Homecoming Parade.
  • Dick Myren contributed his traditional $2, happy that he and Honorary Member Rod Daniels are affiliated with the Ace of Clubs.  He also expressed his wish that everyone would realize what a great club we have and in-person attendance would pick up now that the weather is cooling down.
  • Deb Koeneman contributed voicing concern for one of her work teammates who is ten years younger than Deb.  He is a former Navy Seal.  He recently suffered a massive stroke.  He is doing well, recovering in an accute rehab facility.
  • Colleen Coons made a pledge to thank Frank Rosenberg for supporting a group of Chinese women entrepreneurs at Women Build Bridges for Women.  He will be making a presentation about how to offer affordable health care for their employees.
  • Jim Schmidt contributed.  He was thankful for a great week of education in Spokane the prior week preparing for his role as District Governor in 2025-26.  He said it was a great opportunity to learn and grow.
  • Ron Thompson expressed appreciation to Jim.  The prior week, Ron's wife Toni while they were in California.  With Jim's assistance, they were able to calm her down.
  • Pam Cohen fined herself for missing the prior week's meeting.  She was in Nebraska attending her 50th high school class reunion.  She saw Chris and Mike Kreuger and said they are doing great.  Chris has opened her second Pilates studio.  The other thing she was happy about was the excellent care received by Braly from Frank Rosenberg when Pam took Braly to Tempe Primary Care
  • Jim Erickson had attended his 55th class reunion at the Air Force Academy.
  • Lizzy Barron was happy to be at the meeting.  Her daughter is in the throws of looking at colleges.
  • Harry Grossman said he was still levitating from Sunday's Cardinals victory  He was wearing his red shoes to commemorate their win.  His memorabilia was being auctioned again less the two books and plus a roll of Cardinals duct tape.  Kayla Mudge modeled the contents.  The starting bid was $25.  President Jay made the top bid of $40.
  • Chuck Flint contributed $2 for winning the raffle.  He said he is happy to be a member because the club is a lot of fun.
  • Warren Williamson told a story related to the fire in Ed Koeneman's workshop.  Deb had gotten on the phone with the insurance company to see if they were going to send a check.  She was told they would need to evaluate the loss to see what it was worth.  She now wonders if she needs to cancel her life insurance policy on Ed.
  • Jay Paulus was thankful for all the work at the Rose Garden.  He said more volunteers were needed to finish up some painting and other odds and ends on Saturday, September 21.
  • President Jay informed the members that Colleen Coons is interested in putting her name in the hat to be considered for District Governor.  He said our club needs to send a letter of resolution supporting her nomination.  After a motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously, Colleen voiced her appreciation for the support from her Rotary family.  She understands the rules that she cannot "campaign" for the position.  Dick Myren said he had read a copy of the letter President Jay drafted.  He said that with that letter, she ought to be running for President of the United States.
  • On October 10, we will not have an in-person meeting at the hotel.  Instead, we will be celebrating the open house at the Mesa Main Library introducing the devices Mesa West purchased for the libraries using the funds from the Meta Grant received last year.
  • On October 17, Mesa West Rotary has six seats for the Forever Aster fundraising breakfast.  They will be available on a first-come/first-serve basis.
  • Interact students who helped with the Rose Garden project at MCC will receive service learning hours for their effort. 
  • Members were encouraged to attend and volunteer at the Sleep in Heavenly Peace bed-build on Saturday, September 28.  Mesa West will be honored with a plaque being placed on their "Wall of Dreams."
  • Rotary Leadership Institute is being offered Saturday, September 28.  Deb Koeneman will be attending Session II and Jim Schmidt will be facilitating one of the sessions.
  • On October 5, an event will be held at MCC celebrating winning contributions to the  Week Without Violence competition.
  • September 26, District Governor Michelle Holcomb will make her official visit to Mesa West Rotary.  A group photo will be taken that day, so members were encouraged to come photo-ready.
  • Lu General said that making DG official visits is a daunting task, and asked members to please show up.  Wayne will be there with his backdrop to get decent head shots as well as taking the group photo to go to outer space.
  • Pam reminded members of the upcoming Soup to Nuts event to be held at her home the evening of October 5.
Westwood High School 2024 Scholarships
Ed Koeneman expressed appreciation for our club's partnership with College Bound.  Liz Paulus vetted the applicants for this year's scholarships.  She had a collage of scholarship winners which she passed around.  Liz shared a letter submitted by one of our recipients - Monique:  "I am truly grateful for the opportunity you have given students such as myself through this scholarship.  As an incoming freshman at the University of Arizona majoring in Veterinary Science, I am very excited to continue my education into a field I am passionate about while hoping to advance my community service in a new place helping people and animals..."  Liz hopes to see fellow members of Mesa West at an upcoming College Bound fundraiser where they will hear stories and enjoy Hawaiian food, hulas, and enjoy a fun evening.
Program - Visit Mesa - Lance Fite
Eric Silverberg introduced Lance Fite as an Arizona native who grew up in the west valley.  After attending Glendale Community College, he finished his college education in Grand Junction Colorado where he played college basketball.
CLICK HERE or on the image to see the slides Lance shared during his presentation.
Lance explained that Visit Mesa is a 501(c)(6) non profit.  They are contracted by the City of Mesa and are not city employees.  Combined with some private sector revenue, about 75-80% of their funding comes from bed tax and is split among their various departments.  He explained there are many facets of tourism.  They use algorithms to compute the impact of various actions and activities.
Following college, Lance played pro basketball in Europe and different countries.  At one point, they put him in a wheelchair, where he had to learn the whole sport over again.  Adaptive sports - promoting accessibility and inclusion - have the potential to bring in some big business.  Along that line, Mesa is the first Autism Certified City in the world.