Visiting were Michelle from the Kyrene Rotary Club, Alex from Seattle, Wendell Jones' wife Carolyn, Daren Walker from the Mankato Club, and Aubrey's boys. Dick Myren introduced Bob and his wife from Columbia Heights, Minnesota. Bob had a club banner to exchange with Jim.
Badge numbers 53, 29, and 43 were drawn in the weekly attendance drawing, but since their owners weren't present, the $5 prize will roll over to March 8. Our visitor from Minnesota drew his own ticket and won the small weekly drawing pot of $34, but since he drew the three of diamonds, the $913 in the large pot will continue to grow.
Happy bucks were paid by Matt Rotty for the new baby that should arrive at their house in about two weeks. Immanuel Beeson announced his wife had been gone for five days. With six kids for him to manage while she was away, he was very happy she was back! Pam Cohen had many people to thank for their help with the Steak and Beans dinner. Carolyn Jones helped clean up. Warren Williamson brought citrus and arrived early with Son Hee, who also helped with cleanup. Daryl Bethea also helped with clean-up. Daryl and Chuck Flint represented sponsorship campaign teams that performed well enough that they weren't supposed to work at the sponsorship drive celebration event, but they both clearly worked hard to make the celebration a success!
- Members were urged to come and bring guests to hear the March 8 speaker, Judge Tommy Webb
- Michelle Consodine, from the Kyrene Rotary Club, announced their Kyrene Golf Classic to be held Saturday, April 28 at Whirlwind Golf Course at Wild Horse Pass. CLICK HERE for more information and registration.
- Bob Zarling brought a flag back from his recent Polio Immunization trip to Mexico where he had the opportunity to see a Van to take dental and prenatal care to outlying communities as a result of a Rotary grant.
Steve Ross introduced our speaker, Immanuel Beeson with the Salvation Army. Immanuel provided information about his personal background. He grew up in Bullhead City, Arizona. After being away from Arizona for the past ten years, he was happy be be assigned back in his home state about six months ago. While growing up, he lived in a dysfunctional family. As a result, he personally has a history of drug addiction. He was helped overcome that addiction by the Salvation Army. The transformational experience led him to attend the Salvation Army College, which is a very intense program with a four-year course of study condensed into two years. He is married. He and his wife have six children. He has been a Rotarian in previous posts and hopes to join Mesa West Rotary, but did point out that the Mesa Club has already asked him to join their club.
The Salvation Army Thrift stores fund their six-month rehabilitation programs which are 100% free. They also provide social services. The Salvation Army is a church. Their first priority is to teach and share the word of God.
Salvation Army is also known for providing disaster relief. Immanuel was one of those sent to provide relief in Puerto Rico in November, 2017.
The Salvation Army was started in London in 1865 by William Booth, a minister who strongly objected to the pew tax being charged in England's churches. His effort drew a lot of criticism and his brass band doubled as his bodyguards. The Salvation Army came to America in 1879, and in 1890, the first emergency service in the U.S. was provided in Galveston, Texas. During World War II, they were known for providing free donuts and coffee, as well as providing canteens, shower units, and bathroom facilities.
Immanuel showed photos taken while in Puerto Rico last November. Houses in the area had concrete walls with tin roofs. During the hurricane, many homes lost their roofs and one photo showed countless numbers of them crumpled against a barrier. He told of heart-wrenching situations, but was also awed by the sincere and friendly gratitude they experienced as they provided support. He was impressed by the community support. For instance, K-Mart opened their doors for people to cool off and watch TV. From the date of the hurricane to December 5, 115,887 meals were served, 129,997 cases of water were delivered and 50,000 prayers were offered. To prevent hijacking of supplies being transported, they had military, FBI and Homeland Security escorts.