President Colleen Coons - Opening of Meeting
  • Inspirational Thought for the Day - Polly Cady - 
Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can,
to all the souls you can, in every place you can, 
at all the times you can, with all the zeal you can,
as long as ever you can.
--John Wesley
  • Polo Santiago led the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Colleen Thanked Jack Rosenberg for serving as greeter, Diane Ware for signing members and guests in as they arrrived, and Chuck Flint for handling the raffle ticket sales.
Introduction of Guests
  • Dan Coons was introduced as Colleen's other half, current Assistant Governor and Past President of Mesa West Rotary for two terms.
  • Harry Grossman was introduced as a visiting Rotarian from the Sedona Village Rotary Club
  • Melody Jackson introduced her guest, Judy Price.
  • Kayla Mudge introduced her mother, Angelia Mudge-Long, saying Angelia may try to find a Rotary club to join when she gets back to Illinois.
  • Frank Rosenberg introduced his daugher, Sam Rosenberg, saying she will be leaving August 3 for Denmark as an outbound Rotary Youth Exchange Student.
  • District Governor Kevin Pitts was introduced.
  • President Colleen noted Deb Koeneman and Jeanie Morgan were both attending via Zoom from separate locations in Michigan.  Also attending via Zoom was a mystery guest.
Celebration of Past President Pam Cohen
President Colleen asked members to shout out words or phrases that describe Pam:
Elegant and stylish - Loving person who is always there - Wonderful person - Lots of fun - Huggingest person I know - Emergency contact - Dependable/every-ready - Exceptional human being - Service above self - Fun to be around - Great Friend - Gread leadership - Always smiling - Polly Cady wants to be Pam - Loving - Artistic and thorough - always happy - Nice eyelashes - Smiley - Winner - Exuberant - Knows how to make things special - Friend - Compassionate - 
Bubbly - We love her very much
Colleen related that when Pam was becoming President she was nervous because she had "big shoes to fill."  Colleen is nervous because she has to follow Pam - yet she knows with our outstanding members, the club can get even better..
Colleen introduced the Mystery Guest who was attending via Zoom - it was Past President Chris Krueger.  She said she was honored to be able to be with her Mesa West friends and speak about one of her favorite persons in the entire world (she does have grandchildren).  Chris knew Pam was awesome when she first met her.  There is nothing better than being a recipient of a smile and hug from Pam - it warms the heart all the way through.  Pam doesn't say "no" to needs.  She does so much work ahead of time and afterward.  When Chris was President, Pam did lots of behind-the-scenes work to support her and never expected thanks or gratitude.  Chris feels blessed to call Pam her friend as well as her sister-in-law.  She was honored to be able to speak a few words about her.  Pam is a wonderful mother and grandmother.  Chris expressed her thanks for the opportunity.  CLICK HERE to see the collection of photos Chris prepared to share on this special day.
Colleen invited Pam to the front to be pinned as Past President.  It was a very touching moment.  In addition to the pin, a banner and flowers were presented as well as a gift from the club to say "Thank you!" - a very classy blue Michael Kohrs backpack - for a very classy hard-working lady.
Ace of Clubs Raffle - Chuck Flint
District Governor Kevin Pitts drew the winning raffle ticket which was held by Don Boucher.  After Don shuffled the cards remaining in the deck, the card he drew was the 8 of Hearts, making him the winner of $37 rather than $720, which he would have won had he drawn the Ace of Clubs.
Past President Pam Recognition of Above-and-Beyond Effort
  • For a club to function well, everyone at some time or other is needed on the rudders and/or the oars, to keep the club going.  Allan and Polly Cady can always be relied on - Allan is like the godfather of the club "Don" Cady.  Polly would then be the mother - she gave them a bottle of Dom...  
  • Three people - "the three muskateers" - are always at the meeting before others and just take care of things and never ask for help - Chuck Flint, Steve Ross and Dick Myren - all for one and one for all - another way to say "service above self."
  • Lucinda General does a lot of things behind the scenes.  She's the moral compass of the club.  Pam got her a real compass.  Lucinda likes all things marine...
  • Lola MacLane and Wayne General are our club photographers - our paparazzi.  Pam presented them with tools to increase ability with their cell phones to get great pics...
  • Logan Harper was presented a visioning empty bag for virtual reality goggles.  
  • Ed Koeneman - 876 days until the next Star Wars Movie will be released.  Pam didn't know what she would have done without Ed.  She was perplexed about what to get for him.  She found an artist's rendition of the very first comic book - "Ed Koeneman - The Force...
  • Carla, Diane, Polo, Kayla, Mike, Gina, Jay, Melissa, and Debbie - are newer members, but very vital and important - Pam had "rookie" hats for them...
  • Ron Thompson, who is always twisting people's arms, received some mussel...
  • Jack Rosenberg is a fast friend to everyone and made friends very readily as Jellybean the Clown.  Pam gave him a year's worth of jellybeans.
  • Warren Williamson was recognized for his jokes.
Installation of New President
DG Kevin Pitts expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to be present for this very special occasion.  Mesa West Rotary is a major cog in the district and each member is an important cog in making the club run.  As he prepared to swear Colleen into her role as President, he said members rely on their President to inspire them and keep them busy.  We can create hope in the world - every act of service is an act of peace. He challenged Colleen and the Club to find ways to expand our reach and adapt to change - we live in a changing world.  We must change with it.  He offered a toast to Rotary Club of Mesa West which is about to start a new chapter.  After cheers, he administered the oath, which was followed by a standing ovation.
Past President Pam said she had something for Shelly she forgot to give her - flowers!.  She also had something for Colleen - a scepter, smart water (to stay hydrated) - melatonin - vitamins - tums, and acetaminophen - and drinks high n protein - Red Bull - chocolate.  She indicated it was a care package for the Colleen's first week as the club's official President.
Colleen's board of Directors was invited to the front to be installed:
President-Elect - Logan Harper
Secretary - Carla Krcmarik
Treasurer - Diane Ware
Don Boucher
Allan Cady
Polly Cady
Brian Goetzenberger
Jay Stuckey
Special Guest Acknowledged
Elsa Beljean is a Project Manager in Economic Development with the City of Mesa.  She has a strong desire to be an active Rotarian, and is trying to figure out how she can make that happen with her complex work responsibilities.
President-Elect Logan Harper - Sharing our Vision
The July 27 meeting will be a Club Assembly where members will hear in more detail some of the plans that will be put into action to make our club's vision a reachable reality.  Logan shared a brief overview of what we can all look forward to hearing more about.