Presiding over the meeting was Immediate Past President, John Eagleston.  The invocation was given by Geoff White, and Jim McGown led the Pledge of Allegiance.  It was noted that many of our Mesa West Rotary members were missing, as they were participating in the 25th Anniversary of the Gift of Hearing Project in Guaymas, Mexico.  Guests in attendance were Kristen Kelin, an audiologist, a guest of Jeanie Morgan, who responded to an inquiry from Kristen made through the Mesa West Rotary Facebook page.  Aubrey's daughter, Brin, was also present as a guest.  

The owner of the first badge number drawn in the attendance drawing was not present, but on the 2nd draw, Geoff White was the lucky $5 winner.  There was no weekly raffle, and no buck board solicitation.  It was again noted that the board is now full, but because we will be dark on November 16 due to our joint meeting November 15 honoring the District Governor's official visit, and dark the following week as we all celebrate Thanksgiving, the draw-down for the Paul Harris donation from the full buck board will likely be held at our November 30 or December 7 meeting.
Don LaBarge gave a report on the Guaymas sendoff Wednesday morning, November 8.  He admitted making two logistical mistakes - too many muffins and not enough coffee.  He could send the muffins on the bus with the team, but could not sooth the angst of those suffering caffeine withdrawal.
  • John Eagleston announced we are now over $35,000 in donations received from our sponsorship program, significantly exceeding the $30,000 goal.  A date will soon be sent for the Steak and Beans celebration.
  • Don LaBarge has 10 Interactors helping distribute water along the Veterans Day Parade route.  He has the help he will need to get the banners for the 170 fallen soldiers since 9/11 assembled and distributed to the ROTC marchers who will carry them.  He also has help who will meet the ROTC marchers at the end of the parade and put the banners back in the trailers.  Don announced he is the supervisor, which means he does not have to work.  One of his helpers is his wife, Chris, whose payback for helping with the parade is that Don has to help her with a volunteer project at the Phoenix Open.
  • Bob Zarling reported he visited the Westwood High School Interact meeting on November 8 and learned they had raised $853 with their Purple Pinky project to raise funds and awareness for Polio Plus.
Mesa West Rotarian, Jim McGown, presented the program discussing his experiences while involved with DUI Enforcement, where he spent the final years of his 30-year tenure with the Mesa Police Department.
The legal limit is equal to or greater than .08.  "Impaired to the slightest degree" can be enforced with .05 with proof of impairment.  Extreme DUI occurs at 1.5 or greater, and Super Extreme requires a reading of 2.0 or greater.
The first two offenses of DUI are missdemeaners.  They can be automatic felonies if driving with a suspended license, or there is a child under 15 in the car.  A third DUI is an automatic felony.
Drug impairment does not carry a specific measure - you either are or are not impaired based on the field tests.  Most who are stopped willing take the tests administered by the officers, since they firmly believe they are "fine."  The average intoxication level of those stopped is 1.4.  To reach the legal limit - on average - would require 12 oz. of beer, 6 oz. of wine, or a shot.  Generally speaking, women are affected more by less alcohol.  The liver typically can clear approximately .015/hour. 
The myths that coffee will make a person sober, or sufficient food intake will prevent impairment, are erroneous.  Coffee simply makes one wider awake.  While food intake does slow the absorption of alcohol, it does not prevent it from being absorbed.  It just takes longer for the impairment to occur. 
The Mesa PD has a phlebotomist on staff.  Blood samples are preferred over breathalyzer tests, as the blood samples can be saved.  Jim shared some entertaining anecdotes from his experience in the field, including one stop where he successfully arrested two impaired drivers with a single stop after observing them stop to switch places before he was able to make the stop.